Hyperlipidemia ICD 10 Codes Guidelines

Hyperlipidemia, also known as high cholesterol, is a medical condition characterized by elevated levels of lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, in the bloodstream. Lipids play an important role in many bodily functions, but high levels can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a standardized system used by healthcare providers to diagnose and categorize medical conditions. In this system, hyperlipidemia is assigned an ICD-10 code to allow for accurate tracking and reporting to insurance companies.

ICD 10 Codes for Hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia ICD 10 Codes Guidelines
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Depending on condition, following are hyperlipidemia ICD 10 codes:

E78.0: Hyperlipidemia, unspecified

This code is used when the specific type of hyperlipidemia is unknown or not specified.

E78.1: Familial hypercholesterolemia

This code is used when the cause of hyperlipidemia is a genetic disorder that results in high levels of cholesterol.

E78.2: Other Mixed hyperlipidemia

This code is used when the cause of hyperlipidemia is a lipid disorder other than familial hypercholesterolemia.

E78.3: Combined hyperlipidemia

This code is used when an individual has elevated levels of both cholesterol and triglycerides.

E78.4: Other specified disorders of lipid metabolism

This code is used when the cause of hyperlipidemia is a specified disorder of lipid metabolism.

E78.5: Hyperlipidemia unspecified

Other types of hyperlipidemia are diseases in which there is an accumulation of fats and cholesterol in the blood. Lipoproteins are formed when a particular type of protein, called an apolipoprotein, wraps around cholesterol and/or fat to transport them through the bloodstream.

E78.6: Lipid storage disorder

Lipoprotein deficiencies occur when there is an insufficient amount of lipoprotein to absorb fats and cholesterol adequately from the intestine and transport them to the rest of the body.

These disorders are most often due to a genetic defect, and can cause failure to grow and develop in small children. They may be treated by a low-fat diet, large doses of fat-soluble vitamins (i.e., A, D, E, or K), or other dietary supplements and/or medications.

E78.8-: Other specified disorders of lipoprotein metabolism

E78.8 is an invalid/incomplete code for billing and coding. It must be billed with any of the following 5th character to complete the code:

E78.81: Lipoid dermatoarthritis

Lipoprotein metabolic disorders are often inherited genetic diseases that cause elevated levels of remnant lipoproteins in the blood and deposits in body organs. These diseases include redrickson’s hyperlipoproteinemia, hyperchylomicronemia, pure hypercholesterolemia, pure hyperglyceridemia, and mixed hyperlipidemia.

E78.89: Other lipoprotein metabolism disorders

Lipoprotein metabolic disorders are often inherited genetic diseases that cause elevated levels of remnant lipoproteins in the blood and deposits in body organs. These diseases include redrickson’s hyperlipoproteinemia, hyperchylomicronemia, pure hypercholesterolemia, pure hyperglyceridemia, and mixed hyperlipidemia.

E78.9: Disorder of lipid metabolism, unspecified

It is important to note that ICD codes are not only diagnoses, but rather a way to categorize medical conditions for tracking and reporting purposes. The ICD codes for hyperlipidemia are used by healthcare providers to accurately report the presence of high cholesterol or other lipid disorders in a patient’s medical record.

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Final Remarks about Hyperlipidemia ICD10 Code

In conclusion, hyperlipidemia is a medical condition characterized by elevated levels of lipids in the bloodstream and is assigned an ICD-10 code by World Health Organization for accurate tracking and reporting purposes.

The specific code used depends on the underlying cause of the condition and the type of hyperlipidemia present. Early detection and proper treatment can help prevent the development of serious health complications associated with hyperlipidemia.

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