BCBS Alpha Prefix from FAA to FZZ 2023

BCBS Alpha Prefix FAA to FZZ

Below, we have provided the complete list of BCBS alpha prefixes, ranging from FAA to FZZ. We strive to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information, but if you happen to come across any inaccuracies, kindly inform us so that we can assist you in obtaining the most accurate information in BCBS prefix list. List … Read more

BCBS Alpha Prefix from EAA to EZZ 2023

BCBS Alpha Prefix EAA to EZZ

Below, we have provided the complete list of BCBS alpha prefixes, ranging from EAA to EZZ. We strive to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information, but if you happen to come across any inaccuracies, kindly inform us so that we can assist you in obtaining the most accurate information in BCBS prefix list. List … Read more

BCBS Alpha Prefix from DAA to DZZ 2023

BCBS Alpha Prefix DAA to DZZ

Below, we have provided the complete list of BCBS alpha prefixes, ranging from DAA to DZZ. We strive to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information, but if you happen to come across any inaccuracies, kindly inform us so that we can assist you in obtaining the most accurate information in BCBS prefix lookup. List … Read more

BCBS Alpha Prefix from CAA to CZZ 2023

BCBS Alpha Prefix CAA to CZZ

Below, we have provided the complete list of BCBS alpha prefixes, ranging from CAA to CZZ. We strive to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information, but if you happen to come across any inaccuracies, kindly inform us so that we can assist you in obtaining the most accurate information for BCBS prefix lookup. List … Read more

BCBS Alpha Prefix from BAA to BZZ 2023

BCBS Alpha Prefix BAA to BZZ

Below, we have provided the complete list of BCBS alpha prefixes, ranging from BAA to BZZ. We strive to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information, but if you happen to come across any inaccuracies, kindly inform us so that we can assist you in obtaining the most accurate BCBS prefix information. List of BCBS … Read more

BCBS Alpha Prefix from AAA to AZZ 2023

BCBS Alpha Prefix AAA to AZZ

Below, we have provided the complete list of BCBS alpha prefixes, ranging from AAA to AZZ. We strive to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information, but if you happen to come across any inaccuracies, kindly inform us so that we can assist you in obtaining the most accurate BCBS prefix information. List of BCBS … Read more

Payer Id Lookup 2023: Latest Insurance Payer ID List

Payer ID Lookup

As a healthcare provider, navigating the complexities of insurance verification and claims submission can be a daunting task. With numerous payers and constantly changing payer ID information, it’s essential to have a reliable and up to date payer ID lookup tool in place to streamline revenue cycle management. One such system that can significantly enhance … Read more

Timely Filing Limit 2023 and CO 29 Denial Code

Timely Filing Limit and CO 29 Denial Code

As a healthcare provider or billing specialist, you may have encountered the CO 29 denial code, indicating that the claim has been denied due to exceeding the timely filing limit. In this article, we’ll explore what TFL means, up-to-date insurance companies timely filing limits, what the CO 29 denial code signifies, and some frequently asked … Read more

Denial Code CO1 OR PR1: Deductible Amount

Denial Code CO1 OR PR1 – Deductible Amount

Insurance denies claim with CO1 or PR 1 denial code with a reason of Deductible Amount which means that the claim for services was denied because the patient has not yet met their annual deductible for their insurance plan. A deductible is the amount that the patient must pay out of pocket before their insurance … Read more

Hyperlipidemia ICD 10 Codes Guidelines

Hyperlipidemia ICD 10 Codes Guidelines

Hyperlipidemia, also known as high cholesterol, is a medical condition characterized by elevated levels of lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, in the bloodstream. Lipids play an important role in many bodily functions, but high levels can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a standardized system … Read more

Blue Cross BCBS Prefix XXP Information

Blue Cross Blue Shield BCBS Prefix XXP

BCBS Prefix XXP is a unique home plan identifier that is used to identify members enrolled in BCBS healthcare specific home plan. XXP BCBS prefix is typically found at the beginning of a BCBS member’s identification number on their insurance card and it represents the members of BCBS of Massachusetts. Below you will find a … Read more

Blue Cross BCBS Prefix AQT Plan Information

Blue Cross Blue Shield BCBS Prefix AQT

BCBS Prefix AQT is a unique home plan identifier that is used to identify members enrolled in BCBS healthcare specific home plan. This AQT blue cross prefix is typically found at the start of a BCBS member’s identification number on their insurance card and it represents the members of Premera Blue Cross. Below you will … Read more